Wow, has time sped up? Are you feeling like how did we get to be in August already?!
I started this year on a mission to be the healthiest I have ever been. Having turned sixty in January, I figured why not go for it!Sometimes you have to announce accountability and then keep moving forward.
Warning: be careful what you ask for.

I have learned a lot about knee health and how to support healthy knees. I’ll be sharing the knee program on my online studio very soon. It’s going to be a great program for supporting knee health. I have discovered I sit far too much and need to get this body moving more.
I have submitted to wearing a, wait for it, yes, a Fitbit! Who would have thought? I am using this gadget to get a gauge of how many steps 10,000 feels like and how to fit them into my day. This has revealed to me just how sedentary I have become. Lack of activity has crept in over the past few years and consequently resulted in some muscle imbalances.
What I have learned is that restorative yoga is so much more powerful than I ever gave it credit for. Using restorative practices and specific exercises, I am regaining knee function and re-balancing my whole musculoskeletal system. The results of daily restorative yoga are that I feel so much more spacious from the inside out. I am more flexible and posturally balanced. So much so that my Bowen therapist saw it in my body before I even got on the table.
The other changes I have made are the Nada Yoga and the sound vibrational practices I have been engaging with for the past ten months. These also are very transformational, getting deep into the tissues using the vibrations of our unique voice to tease out the deeper holding patterns we store in our body/mind complex. I feel like I am creating a whole new foundation for health and emerging renewed and regenerated.
The most vital of all is not accepting that aches and pains, tiredness, weight gain, and slowing down are part of aging. This is a myth to be sure. Had I accepted this statement, put forward by many well-meaning people, I would most certainly be on a downward spiral consisting of doctor visits, medications, and pity!
Instead, I realise that I have entered the most freeing, vital, and exciting time of my life where the possibilities are endless. Health and vitality are available to us all. Sometimes it’s a mental shift, a change of perspective we need to change direction. Other times pain prompts us to take action and make changes.
We are the sum of all the decisions we have ever made. It’s never too late to change direction and recreate the life you want. We live in exciting, ever-changing times, and it’s up to us to change with them and live our best lives moment by moment, day by day.
What choices are you making about your health and well-being? The world is changing and we need to change with it. Go within, dig deep and start making time to listen to your inner callings.
I totally agree. Attitude is everything in achieving what we want to achieve.