I’m wondering how it got to be springtime already! Is anyone else curious about how fast we got to be in September? It has made me value my time more and rethink what is important, where I want to spend my time, and who I am with.

Spring for me means emerging into the light after the winter hibernation. I do feel that this year, winter had a hibernation feeling. Maybe it was all the rain and wintery weather. I certainly felt like I adapted and made changes to suit the winter season this year. That looked like slowing down on my walking and spending time doing more restorative yoga. I also really enjoyed winter food like warming soups and slow-cooked unctuous stews and roasts along with reading more books for pleasure and not work-related.
Now that the sun is shining I’m feeling a transformation coming on. Maybe this has to do with the statement I made at the beginning of this year about being the healthiest and fittest in my sixtieth year that I could be. I certainly feel an inner drive to get moving and make some long-lasting changes to my lifestyle. This statement reminded me of the great saying “Be careful what you wish for”. I have certainly felt challenged this year in areas of my health and fitness, it’s like the universe is challenging me by saying are you sure? Do you really want to deal with what it takes to achieve this goal?
Yes, I do! I am spring cleaning from the inside out. Perhaps rephrasing my statement to being in optimal health has a better feel to it, less strive and more thrive! How does one thrive? I feel it is when you reach out to share a goal or idea and you allow some help in. In the quest for assistance, I
purchased a Fitbit and was shocked to realise I sat too much! Yep nowhere near the ten thousand steps were clocking up on my new gadget, how did I get to this? Some were quick to put it down to aging and that slowing down is part of getting older. That might be so but I don’t consider sixty to be old! I also challenge our current aging paradigm and believe we can live long lives healthily and happily if we listen to nature, are attuned to our own innate wisdom, and find purpose and meaning at all stages of our lives. As I shared this revelation, of not getting enough steps, a friend was quite shocked as she figured if I wasn’t getting my steps in then she was quite sure she wasn’t either and we both turned sixty this year. The power of more than one on a mission is motivating. Together, we have initiated a bike riding program and some volunteer gardening at the community garden. That should help clock up a few steps and connect us to the spring rhythm of nature, learn how to grow some food, and give back at the same time.
There are many aspects to health apart from physical fitness. It is my experience that when we start aligning with the seasons and making seasonal adjustments to our lifestyles we hear the inner callings. When we take the time that winter offers to go within a little more and slow down we give ourselves the time to rest and recover. When Spring calls we then have the inner energy and emerging aliveness to meet Spring with enthusiasm. We can use that energy to make positive changes on all levels of our being.
What is obvious to me is that to achieve my optimal health goal I need a connection to others to share the journey. Sharing brings in the fun, creativity, and joy that will ensure the changes are sustainable and long-lasting and/or lead to other endeavors that support optimal health.
If you are not already doing so, I feel it is time to start reaching out again. The events of this crazy world, over the recent years, might have sent many retreating isolating, and fearful but this is not conducive to healthy living. We all need connection to thrive and with that connection comes meaning, support, and purpose.
Has your motivation been stirred by the onset of Spring? If it has what is it you might like to put this energy towards? Whilst I am sure many would like to see the world change, our efforts are best put to being the optimal version of ourselves that we can be and let that radiate out to others. When we come from a place of fullness, of having looked after ourselves to the point of feeling grateful and resilient, by being in balance, we can say we have made a positive impact on our world.
I’d love to hear your Spring motivations so please share by replying to the email or jumping into the Heart Song Discord server, a free online platform where we can connect and share.
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