Yoga weaves the multifaceted threads of life into our own personal tapestry.
Sarah Collin

What if we landed here, on Earth, already whole and complete and enough already?
Why does life get messy and drama-filled, often leaving us feeling wrung out and hung up to dry?
As multidimensional beings, it is my belief that we are here to be beacons of light for our planet Earth and humanity. That is our purpose. But how do we do that?
I could easily talk about the various purposes we feel we are here to fulfill, and these can change throughout the course of our lives as we take on various roles, labels, values and beliefs.
Instead I’d like to suggest that we all land here on purpose. We arrive on this planet already being enough, and it’s the layers put upon us that dull our light and natural way of being – layers we accumulate through our daily living, from birth or even before.
It’s evident to me, having worked in community services and women’s health for years as well as teaching yoga for fifteen years, that it is easy to lose ourselves as we get caught up in the drama and pressures of life. The pressure to choose a pathway and a career that will support us financially. The pressure put upon us by society to keep up appearances. Under these pressures, we get bogged down in busyness for many years. Life literally begins to pass us by.
How can we cast off the busyness and live, following our true purpose?
Yoga, and when I refer to yoga I am referring to Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga, provides us with the most amazing guide. I often hear from people, “If only I had a manual to guide me in life”. Some of us have found that manual, a guide to help us navigate back into ourselves, to unblock, uncover and clear our vision and see the way that serves us. You might look at it as which colours to choose to weave your tapestry with. Usually, the truest path is one that helps others as well.
The challenge is to put our yoga practice first and let it guide us. Sadly, from what I see and hear, the first thing that falls off when life gets busy is the practice that will support us the most.
The first thing that falls off when life gets busy is the practice that will support us the most.
It is my experience that when I use the tools of yoga and make that my priority, my way forward is illuminated.
When I get overwhelmed and stress creeps in, I can easily fall into thinking that I don’t have time for my morning walk because I need to start ticking off my to do list. List first, walk and yoga after, and as you know, the list takes over and the walk and yoga doesn’t happen. Getting back to the supporting practices doesn’t happen. You might get your list completed, but part of you is calling out for attention. Keep following that path, and before you know it you are spiralling downwards.
It has taken me most of my life to realise that by putting my yoga practice first, literally from the moment I wake up – a commitment to engage with nature, get my bare feet on the earth and connect to the Divine in nature through yoga – my day unfolds in a way that is supported and guided. It is the process of deep trust in the Divine. I honour the relationship with my higher self. I can surrender my will to Divine will. I honour this precious process of life, and life supports me.
Why do we let go of the practices that support us the most when we need them the most? Does this make sense to you? Let’s see what we can do to change this.
It needs to be simple, so reflect upon this question: what is the one thing can you do on a daily basis that would give you the most support?
Prioritise it. Put it in your diary as an important non-negotiable appointment with yourself. Start here and let this grow into a supporting nourishing practice. One thing!
It’s our responsibility to find purpose and make meaning of our lives, and yoga will guide us there. This precious life deserves your wholehearted dedication.
If you haven’t tuned into our weekly Heart Song podcast, check it out here. We are in the middle of discussing Patanjali’s eight fold path of yoga.
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